

The Island of Opportunities in the Gulf

Doing Business in Bahrain – More than just a strategic Location 

Being smaller than its neighbours in the Gulf, the Kingdom of Bahrain offers vast opportunities, having developed a strong ecosystem for services and finances, with international businesses serving customers across the region. 

In addition to direct access to Saudi Arabia, Bahrain with its strategic geographic location offers an exceptional connectivity for goods and individuals by being at the center of flight and shipping routes between Europe, Africa and Asia. 

Our Recommendation: Why Bahrain?

If you are looking for a logistics-, distribution-, a finance hub or heavy industries such as metal and aluminium production and processing in the region, with direct access to Saudi Arabia and South Asia, Bahrain will offer you perfect opportunities. 

You want to take your business to Bahrain? Contact us!

About Bahrain

  • Area: 786.5km2
  • Population: 1.5 Mio
  • Population growth: 0.9%
  • GDP: $43.5 Bn
  • Nominal GDP/capita: $28.692 
  • Foreign direct investment: $1,95 Bn